
About me

I grew up as a Midwestern girl on 29 acres. Gardening, preserving food, keeping a full pantry and a couple full freezers was my family's mindset. My Momma and Gram taught me as I worked alongside them cooking, baking, making a house a home.

It's been 30 years since I moved to Arizona with my husband, Will and two toddlers and all I can say is, "You can take the girl out of the Midwest, but you can't take the Midwest out of the girl"! Gardening, cooking and baking from scratch, preserving fruits and veggies, making a house a home, love of God and family, these are values imparted at the side of my Momma and Gram.

For those who desire to learn some of these skills, I invite you Over at Julie's. There's a lot I know and a lot I'm in the process of learning. I'd love to share my journey and get to know you.


  1. Hey Julie, I dont know if you remember me but this is Matt Delph, Ed and Becky Delphs son. I have been into back to basics living for about 2 years now and was talking to mom and she sent me to your site. This is awesome. I would love to catch up and pick your brain on things. Right now I am working on a backyard garden and producing my own antiseptic ointment. I just signed up for your mailing list. Its I look forward to talking to ya

    1. Hi Matt!
      I think it's great that you're getting back to basics. It is so exciting learning new skills and doing new things. Our latest is beekeeping. There is so much to learn and like everything there are two trains of thought on how bees should be kept. What have you been learning over the past two years? I'd love to hear about it.

  2. I have a food blog called Morsel Combat and I was wondering if I could use your crockpot greek yogurt post as a basis for one of my own. I will include a link to your site and say that was where I learn how to do it. Take a look at it if you like.

  3. Kelli,
    Sure, go for it! The more folk that learn how to make healthy yogurt, the better!

    Nice blog BTW!

  4. Thank you very much. I'm making a batch today and I hope to have the blog post ready for next week.

    1. I'm making a batch today too! I have fresh boysenberries and peaches from my garden that I'm using for my fruit in the bottom. It will be yummy!

  5. Hi Julie, am trying one of your mustard recipes. simple and quick - just need to remember to pulse it in 2 days time.


    btw I am from Malaysia

    1. Hi Mabel
      How kind of you to write me! Hope you enjoy the mustard . . . Make sure you adjust the honey to suit your taste.

      Are you Malaysian or are you just living there? Now you've got me curious about the climate and what's grown in Malaysia . . . guess I'll have to do some research!

      xxx Julie

  6. Do you have any recipes for dried out fresh brie? We have blocks of 500gm fresh brie that had dried out in their foil wrpas - first tried freezing them, then had to handle the crust - cant cut them off frozen, too hard. So using chilled ones, I could cut off the crusts, but I cant grate them as they were too soft to grate. Am still experimenting. We were dealers for a cheese maker from East Malaysia till price wars put them off the malaysian capital scene.

  7. Hi Julie, Do you know anything about the toxicity of crystal deodorant? I ask because my cat, Ally, loves to lick my i'm very careful about what i put there, as much for her sake as mine. I've read that crystal deodorant contains alum, also called potassium aluminum sulfate. What do you know about that? Is it a toxic form of aluminum or not? I've read that its molecules are too large to be absorbed into skin, but even if that's true, what about licking it and ingesting it that way?

    I realize this may be above your technical expertise, but I haven't been able to get any answers anywhere else, so I'm kind of desperate.

    1. Hi Leigh Ann,
      I did a bit of research asking the question "Is potassium aluminum sulfate dangerous if ingested?" Of course there are lots of different answers . . . 1 said it can cause gastrointestinal irritation if too much is ingested. I think it would be best if you wash your armpits before you allow your cat to lick them, better to play it safe when it comes to your beloved cat.



Your comments and questions are welcomed . . .