Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Radish . . . any one?

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Even before the Pollinators, a.k.a. the Ladies, arrived 3 weeks ago I've been allowing broccoli, green onion, mustard, dill, bok choy, parsley, Swiss chard, and last but certainly not least, 1 radish plant go through their complete growing cycle giving honey bees extra flowers to gather nectar and pollen. They pollinate the veggie's flowers so I can gather seeds for the next planting season.

Growing heirloom plants allows me to harvest safe, not genetically modified vegetables and, their seeds will produce after their own kind. Hybrid seeds don't have the capability of reproducing consistent seeds.

It's hard to believe this is one plant!

Cherry Belle Radish, who knew they could grow so large and provide so many flowers for honey bees?

Honey bees provide 1/3 of all food we eat. That's 1 out of every 3 bites of food you eat. Honey bees are disappearing at an alarming rate. This phenomenum is known as Colony Collapse Disorder. It is thought that the main culprit of Colony Collapse (CCD) is genetically modified seeds with a systemic poison within the seed itsself, producing a plant with poisons within to kill insects. Last time I checked, bees are also insects! So, check the labels on seeds and plants that you purchase. We can make a difference by growing safe flowers, fruit trees, and vegetables that are not GMO. By growing organic and heirloom plants and staying away from toxic pesticides we are helping the honey bee make a comeback and protecting our food supplies. Some of you might even become backyard beekeepers . . . like us . . . Over at Julie's!!!



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